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找到 關(guān)鍵詞 包含"溶血率" 1條結(jié)果
  • 血塞通注射液溶血性考察與研究

    【摘要】 目的 對市場上流通使用的血塞通注射液在溶血性方面的狀況進行考察與研究?!》椒ā“础吨袊幍洹?005年版一部附錄ⅩⅧ B中藥注射劑安全性檢查法應(yīng)用指導(dǎo)原則和中藥、天然藥物刺激性和溶血性研究的技術(shù)指導(dǎo)原則,對11 個廠家共計27 批血塞通注射液每批次樣品制備4 個濃度,進行溶血實驗研究,并采用分光光度法(545 λ/nm)測定計算溶血率,比較各批次樣品的溶血率?!〗Y(jié)果 不同廠家甚至同一廠家不同批次的血塞通注射液溶血率存在一定差異?!〗Y(jié)論 在臨床使用中應(yīng)注意用量,過量使用可能導(dǎo)致溶血引起的不良反應(yīng);同時,應(yīng)注意溶血引起的臨床不良反應(yīng)的觀測。【Abstract】 Objective To explore the hemolysis of Xuesaitong injection. Methods According to the Guiding Principles of safety tests on traditional Chinese medicine injection in Annex ⅩⅧ B, Chinese Pharmacopoeia, 2005 Edition 1, and Technical Guidelines of studies on the irritability and hemolytic activity of traditional Chinese medicine and natural medicine, a total of 27 samples of Xuesaitong injections (each sample was diluted into four concentrations) produced by 11 manufacturers had been examined. Spectrophotometry (545 λ/nm) was used to calculate the hemolytic rate. Results There was a certain difference in the hemolytic rate among several samples of Xuesaitong injections produced by different manufacturers, or even different batches by the same manufacturer. Conclusion The dosage of Xuesaitong injections should be noted in clinical use. Excessive use may lead to adverse reactions caused by hemolysis; at the same time, clinical adverse reactions caused by hemolysis should be observed.

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