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找到 作者 包含"熊薇" 1條結果
  • 子宮部位異位妊娠臨床分析

    【摘要】 目的 探討子宮部位異位妊娠的臨床特征和處理對策。 方法 回顧分析2002年9月-2009年9月間收治的31例子宮部位異位妊娠患者的臨床資料。 結果 31例患者中,初診確診僅8例,誤診率74.2%。除5例因難以控制的大出血行經(jīng)腹病灶清除術加子宮修補術或全子宮切除術外,其余26例患者均經(jīng)氨甲喋呤(MTX)治療加清宮術或宮腔鏡下病灶清除術保守治療成功。 結論 子宮部位異位妊娠容易誤診,超聲檢查是診斷的主要方法。保守治療安全、有效,可保留生育能力。氨甲喋呤治療加清宮術可作為治療子宮部位異位妊娠的主要方法。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and treatment of ectopic pregnancy in the uterus. Methods The clinical data of 31 patients diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy from September 2002 to September 2009 were analyzed retrospectively. Results During preliminary diagnosis, only eight patients were accurately diagnosed.The error rate of first diagnosis was 74.2%. Five patients suffered focal cleaning and uterus neoplasty or total hysterectomy due to uncontrollable bleeding.The other 26 patients were successfully cured by conservation treatment of methotrexate (MTX) combined with dilatation and curettage or clearance of focal lesion under hysteroscopy. Conclusion Misdiagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the uterus is easy to make.The ultrasonography is the main method for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the uterus.Conservative treatment is proved to be safe and effective and can preserve the patients’ fertility. Administration of MTX combined with dilatation and curettage is an main therapeutic method in handling ectopic pregnancy in the uterus.

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