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找到 關(guān)鍵詞 包含"imipenemresistant" 1條結(jié)果
  • 老年耐亞胺培南銅綠假單胞菌院內(nèi)感染現(xiàn)狀及危險因素分析

    摘要:目的:探討老年耐亞胺培南銅綠假單胞菌(IRPA)感染的危險因素以指導(dǎo)臨床救治。 方法:采用病例對照研究,選取四川省人民醫(yī)院干部科2006年1月~2008年12月IRPA院內(nèi)感染老年患者32例,并隨機(jī)選擇同時期敏感銅綠假單胞菌院內(nèi)感染48例作為對照,采用單因素(t檢驗,χ2檢驗)及多因素Logistic回歸進(jìn)行分析。結(jié)果:IRPA分離率為34.8%,IRPA對抗生素的耐藥性遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)高于敏感銅綠假單胞菌組,但對阿米卡星敏感率達(dá)81.3%。單因素分析發(fā)現(xiàn),下列因素與IRPA感染有關(guān):高齡、住院時間≥4周、高急性生理和慢性健康狀況(APACHEⅡ)評分、慢性肺部疾病(慢性阻塞性肺疾病COPD/支氣管擴(kuò)張)、分離出IRPA前2周用過亞胺培南/美羅培南、早期聯(lián)用抗生素、院內(nèi)獲得性肺炎(HAP)。多因素Logistic回歸分析表明:長程住院[比值比(OR)= 14.887],APACHEⅡ評分≥16分(OR=38.908)以及分離出IRPA前2周用過亞胺培南/美羅培南(OR =12.945)是IRPA感染的獨立危險因素。結(jié)論:長程住院、APACHEⅡ評分≥16分以及亞胺培南/美羅培南的使用是IRPA感染的危險因素。IRPA對阿米卡星敏感率相對較高,但治療難度大。Abstract: Objective: To study the infection status and risk factors of nosocomial infection caused by imipenemresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (IRPA) in elderly patients. Methods: By a casecontrol study, the data of 32 cases of IRPA nosocomial infections were analyzed from Jan. 2006. to Dec. 2008 in cadres Ward of Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital; 48 cases of Imipenemsensitive pseudomonas aeruginosa infection were randomized as control. Univariate analysis (T test and chisquare test )and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used for statistics. Results: The resistance to antibiotics of IRPA is much higher than the sensitive group.81.3% of IRPA were sensitive to amikacin. According to univariate analysis,the factors associated with the infection caused by IRPA were age, length of stay in hospital more than 4 weeks, high score of APACHEⅡ, chronic pulmonary disease (COPD/bronchiectasis),imipenem/meropenem used 2 weeks before isolation of IRPA, early combination therapy of antibiotics and hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified three independent factors: Length of stay in hospital more than 4 weeks, APACHEⅡ score≥16 and imipenem/meropenem used 2 weeks before isolation of IRPA. Conclusion: Long length of stay in hospital, APACHEⅡ score ≥16 and previous imipenem/meropenem use were independent risk factors for IRPA infection. Although the sensitivity of IRPA to amikacin was relatively high, it was difficult to treat in clinical practice.

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