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找到 作者 包含"廖大清" 1條結(jié)果
  • 辣椒素對不同年齡大鼠內(nèi)臟感覺神經(jīng)元上辣椒素受體通道的影響

    【摘要】 目的 探討辣椒素對不同年齡SD大鼠內(nèi)臟感覺神經(jīng)元上辣椒素受體(TRPV1)介導(dǎo)的離子通道的影響?!》椒ā〖毙苑蛛x7~9 d和21~23 d大鼠迷走神經(jīng)結(jié)狀神經(jīng)節(jié)神經(jīng)元,利用全細胞膜片鉗技術(shù)在分離的神經(jīng)元上記錄辣椒素激活TRPV1受體后通道電流的變化?!〗Y(jié)果?、?~9 d和21~23 d大鼠內(nèi)臟感覺神經(jīng)元的膜電容分別為(18.57±8.60)和(19.85±9.47) pF,(Pgt;0.05);②辣椒素能夠激活7~9 d和21~23 d大鼠內(nèi)臟感覺神經(jīng)元上TRPV1并產(chǎn)生相似的內(nèi)向電流,兩組產(chǎn)生的峰電流密度分別為(48.59±18.87)、(55.91±20.52) pA/pF(Pgt;0.05);③反復(fù)應(yīng)用辣椒素使TRPV1受體發(fā)生失敏現(xiàn)象。 結(jié)論 大鼠內(nèi)臟感覺神經(jīng)元的TRPV1受體通道在出生后已經(jīng)發(fā)育成熟,且對辣椒素激活的通道電流有相似的變化。【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the effects of capsaicin on transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) receptor-mediated ion channel currents of visceral sensory neurons in different-aged Sprague-Dawley rats. Methods We isolated the vagal nodose ganglion neurons of rats at an age of 7-9 days or 21-23 days acutely. With the whole cell patch clamp technique, we recorded the current changes of TRPV1 channels activated by capsaicin. Results?、?Membrane capacitances of the visceral sensory neurons were (18.57±8.60) and (19.85±9.47) pF in rats of 7-9 and 21-23 days, respectively (Pgt;0.05). ② Capsaicin activated the TRPV1 channels and generated inward currents in all the rats; and the peak current densities of the rats of 7-9 days and 21-23 days were respectively (48.59±18.87) and (55.91±20.52) pA/pF (Pgt;0.05). ③ Repeated applications of capsaicin produced a phenomenon of desensitization in TRPV1 channels. Conclusion TRPV1 receptor channels of visceral sensory neurons in rats have matured after birth, and the current changes of TRPV1 channels activated by capsaicin are similar.

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