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找到 關(guān)鍵詞 包含"激素替代周期" 1條結(jié)果
  • 年齡和內(nèi)膜準(zhǔn)備法對(duì)凍融胚胎移植妊娠率的影響

    【摘要】 目的 探討不同年齡段和不同內(nèi)膜準(zhǔn)備方法對(duì)凍融胚胎移植(FET)妊娠率的影響。 方法 回顧性分析2007年3月-2009年8月107例患者131個(gè)FET周期,比較不同年齡段、不同內(nèi)膜準(zhǔn)備方法的妊娠情況。 結(jié)果 ①lt;29歲、30~34歲、≥35歲患者的周期臨床妊娠率分別為45.28%、37.88%、33.33%,比較無統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(Pgt;0.05)。②自然周期和激素替代周期內(nèi)膜準(zhǔn)備,兩種方法患者平均年齡、平均移植胚胎數(shù)、胚胎評(píng)分及胚胎細(xì)胞數(shù)比較無統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(Pgt;0.05),但自然周期的胚胎種植率及周期臨床妊娠率均明顯低于激素替代周期(16.78%比29.21%;29.51%比50.00%),比較有統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)意義(Plt;0.05)。 結(jié)論 患者年齡不影響FET周期臨床妊娠率,激素替代周期內(nèi)膜準(zhǔn)備的FET胚胎種植率及周期臨床妊娠率明顯高于自然周期。【Abstract】 Objective To analyze the effect of age and method of preparing endometrium on the pregnancy rate of frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) among infertile women. Methods Retrospective analysis was made on 131 FET cycles in 107 patients from March 2007 to August 2009. The relationship between pregnancy rate of FET and following factors were analyzed: age, the method of preparing uterus endometrium. Results ①There was no significant difference in pregnancy rate of FET among <29, 30 - 34, and ≥35 years old patients (45.28%, 37.88%, and 33.33%, respectively) (Pgt;0.05). ②There was no significant difference in patients’ age, the average embryo amount, embryo score, the cell amount in every embryo between the FET with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and the FET with natural cycle (NC). The embryo implantation rate and pregnancy rate of FET with NC were lower significantly than those of FET with HRT (16.78% vs 29.21%; 29.51% vs 50.00%) (P<0.05). Conclusion Age might not influence pregnancy rate of FET. FET with HRT has higher implantation rate and pregnancy rate than FET with NC.

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