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找到 關(guān)鍵詞 包含"腺病毒" 1條結(jié)果
  • 重組腺病毒ADV-TK對肝癌抑制作用的實(shí)驗(yàn)研究

    【摘要】 目的 觀察已構(gòu)建的含胸苷激酶(TK)自殺基因的重組腺病毒(ADV-TK)對肝癌細(xì)胞的體外殺傷作用和對肝癌裸鼠移植瘤的治療效果。 方法 將ADV-TK體外感染人肝癌細(xì)胞株SMMC-7721,噻唑藍(lán)(MTT)法檢測受感染的SMMC-7721細(xì)胞被不同濃度更昔洛韋(GCV)作用后的細(xì)胞存活率情況。構(gòu)建肝癌SMMC-7721裸鼠移植瘤模型,觀察腫瘤注射重組腺病毒ADV-TK結(jié)合GCV治療移植瘤的變化。 結(jié)果 相同滴度的重組腺病毒與不同濃度的GCV作用于肝癌細(xì)胞株SMMC-7721后,MTT法檢測到細(xì)胞的存活率隨著GCV濃度的增加而不斷降低。動(dòng)物實(shí)驗(yàn)中ADV-TK治療組腫瘤體積明顯小于對照組(ADV-null及NS)(Plt;0.01)。 結(jié)論 重組腺病毒ADV-TK對肝癌SMMC-7721細(xì)胞的體外增殖和裸鼠體內(nèi)的移植瘤生長均有明顯的抑制作用?!続bstract】 Objective To explore the inhibitory effect of recombinant adenovirus containing TK gene (ADV-TK) on transfected human liver cancer cells SMMC-7721 in vitro and murine transplanted hepatocarcinoma in vivo. Methods SMMC-7721 cells transfected with ADV-TK were exposed to medium with GCV. The cell viability was measured by MTT assays. In the established model of SMMC-7721 human liver cancer, nude mice underwent intratumoral injection with 1 109 pfu ADV-TK, the control vector (ADV-null) or normal saline (NS) and again 7 days later, twice for all. GCV was given at a dose of l00 mg/(kg?d) on the following day of injection for 10 days. The tumor inhibitory effect was observed by measuring the tumor sizes. Results After transfected by ADV-TK in vitro, and combined with GCV, the cell growth of SMMC-7721 cell were significantly suppressed. The result of in vivo assay showed that tumor volumes in treatment group were apparently smaller than that in the control group (Plt;0.01). Conclusion Recombinant adenovirus combined with GCV shows a significant inhibitory effect on SMMC-7721 cells in vitro and murine transplanted hepatocarcinoma in vivo.

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