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  • Survivin在非小細胞肺癌中表達的初步研究


    發(fā)表時間:2016-09-08 09:56 導出 下載 收藏 掃碼
  • 葉綠酸鈉治療老年腫瘤相關性貧血的臨床回顧及分析

    目的分析葉綠酸鈉治療老年腫瘤相關性貧血的療效及其意義。 方法2011年12月-2013年2月采集治療背景相同的葉綠酸鈉治療(n=35)和無特殊治療(n=36)老年腫瘤相關性貧血患者臨床資料進行回顧,分析治療前后貧血相關指標及生活質量評分的情況。 結果葉綠酸鈉組患者治療后血紅蛋白、紅細胞計數(shù),及生活質量評分較治療前及無特殊治療組均有所提高,差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(P<0.05)。 結論葉綠酸鈉能改善老年腫瘤相關性貧血患者的貧血狀態(tài),具有一定的研究推廣價值。

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  • 剪切修復偶聯(lián)因子1和存活蛋白對非小細胞肺癌

    【摘要】 目的 剪切修復偶聯(lián)因子1(ERCC1)是核苷酸外切修復家族中的重要成員,它在核酸損傷修復過程和凋亡過程中起著重要作用;存活蛋白(Survivin)屬凋亡抑制蛋白家族,是迄今發(fā)現(xiàn)的最強的凋亡抑制因子之一。研究中初步探索晚期非小細胞肺癌(non-small-cell lung cancer,NSCLC)中ERCC1和Survivin與鉑類化學療法敏感性的關系及其相關性。 方法 2001年1月-2002年6月對51例晚期NSCLC(ⅢB或Ⅳ期)標本經(jīng)免疫組織化學檢測ERCC1和Survivin的表達,患者行至少2周期含鉑方案化學療法,2周期化學療法后評價療效,采用SPSS 13.0軟件就檢測指標和化學療法療效評價進行相關統(tǒng)計分析?!〗Y果 ERCC1和Survivin在腫瘤組織中陽性表達率分別為58.8 %(30/51)和76.5 %(39/51)。ERCC1陰性組化學療法有效率高于陽性組(Plt;0.05),5年生存時間高于陽性組(Plt;0.05);Survivin陰性組化學療法有效率雖高于陽性組,但無統(tǒng)計學意義(Pgt;0.05),其5年生存時間與陰性組比較無差別(Pgt;0.05)。Spearman相關分析提示ERCC1與Survivin之間無相關性(rs=-0.088,P=0.537)?!〗Y論 ERCC1和Survivin可能與NSCLC的發(fā)生相關,ERCC1可能與腫瘤的預后相關,并對化學療法療效具有一定預測價值。ERCC1和Survivin之間耐藥機制可能各不相同?!続bstract】 Objective Excision repair cross-complementing 1 (ERCC1), an important member of the DNA repair gene family, plays a key role in nucleotide excision repair and apoptosis of tumor cells. Survivin, a member of inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, is one of the most powerful factors in inhibiting apoptosis up to now. This study is to explore the value of ERCC1 and Survivin in predicting the sensitivity of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to platinum-based chemotherapy and the interrelationship between the two markers. Methods From January 2001 to June 2002, expressions of ERCC1 and Survivin of 51 advanced NSCLC patients (Ⅲ B or IV) were tested through immunohistochemistry. The patients were treated with at least 2 cycles of platinum-based chemotherapy. The curative effect was evaluated later, and the relationship among detected data, curative effect of chemotherapy and patients′ clinical parameters were analyzed with SPSS 13.0 software. Results The positive expression rates of ERCC1 and Survivin in NSCLC tissues were 58.8 % (30/51) and 76.5 % (39/51), respectively. The effective rate of chemotherapy and 5-year survival rate for the negative group of ERCC1 were significantly higher than those for the positive group (Plt;0.05). The results for Survivin were similar to those for ERCC1, but there was no statistical significance (Pgt;0.05). We also found there was no relationship between ERCC1 and Survivin by Spearman′s correlation analysis (rs=-0.088, P=0.537). Conclusion ERCC1 and Survivin may be correlated with the development of NSCLC, and ERCC1 may be related to curative effect and prognosis of NSCLC. There was probably no mechanism of coordination or regulation in multi-drug resistance between ERCC1 and Survivin.

    發(fā)表時間:2016-09-08 09:26 導出 下載 收藏 掃碼
  • 甲羥孕酮減輕化療患者骨髓抑制臨床觀察

    目的 觀察消化道腫瘤患者服用甲羥孕酮(medroxyprogesterone acetate, MPA)對化療后骨髓抑制的影響。 方法 2008年11月-2009年8月,將接受化療的消化道腫瘤患者共100例隨機分為治療組(MPA加化療組,54例)及對照組(單純化療組,46例),2周期化療后評價骨髓抑制狀況和生活質量變化。 結果 治療組和對照組化療后白細胞、血紅蛋白和血小板Ⅰ~Ⅱ度骨髓抑制發(fā)生率沒有差異(Pgt;0.05),但治療組Ⅲ~Ⅳ度骨髓抑制發(fā)生率低于對照組,KPS評分改善率高于對照組(Plt;0.05)。未見明顯不良反應。 結論 MPA可有效減輕化療后骨髓抑制。

    發(fā)表時間:2016-09-08 09:47 導出 下載 收藏 掃碼
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